Story Overview:
15 year old Minami Itsuki (Ikki) lives in a home with the four Noyamano sisters. While causing trouble he stumbles upon the sisters AT's (roller blades with a motor) and takes them out for a spin. Through this night run he learns about riding and teams competing. From then on he creates his own team named Kogarasumaru with his best friends while under the watchful eye of Ringo Noyamano. As Ikki wins more battles, his reputation builds as which catches the attention of the kings. Watch as Ikki soars higher and higher till he becomes the Sky King
This 26 episode series has action, girls and tacky comedy... like every great anime should. You feel compelled to watch every episode as Ikki gains more experience taking his team, Kogarasumaru,
to a higher level of riding. Also, you feel a draw towards Ringo who watches over Ikki as he works at being the Sky King. But the main focus is watching the great tricks the AT riders pull in this series.
I enjoy the use of colour in this series as they use them to depict the mood of the ride and situation. It is pretty funny how they have the crow cover up any nudity to be shown from these characters. Musically the soundtrack works with the show as they help to also control the mood especially when they put on the theme song during a ride just gets you pumped waiting to see what great trick Kogarasumaru is going to pull. If anyone wants a great uplifting anime I recommend Air Gear.
No. Of Episodes: 25 +Special Trick
Bonus: Clean Opening/Closing
Rating: 8/10
Itsuki Minami (Chris Patton)
Ringo Noyamano (Luci Christian)
Agito Wanijima (Blake Shepard)
Issha Mihotoke (Mark Laskowski)
Kazuma Mikura (Clint Bickham)
Onigiri (Gred Ayres)
Nue (Kyle Jones)
Yoshitsune (Jason Douglas)
Spitfire (Jay Hickman)
Simca (Monica Rial)
Buy Here: Air Gear: Complete Box Set